金沢大学の英作文 過去問研究
金沢大学の英作文 過去の出題
出題 | 自由英作文 |
2016年 | ストーリーを創作する問題 |
2017年 | 自動運転車 40〜60語 |
2018年 | 2つの授業スタイルの比較 80〜120語 |
2019年 | 運転免許取得の年齢制限 80〜120語 |
2020年 | 寮生活の義務付け 80〜120語 |
2021年 | 絵を見て答える問題 80〜120語 |
2022年 | 食料自給率 80語以上 |
2023年 | “gap year”について 90語以上 |
2024年 | 平等の推進と多様性の認識 80語以上 |
金沢大学の英作文 おすすめの参考書
金沢大学 過去問 4年分(教学社)
【中級者】時短:これだけっ!自由英作文 大原則編
【中〜上級者】時短:これだけっ!自由英作文 難関大編
金沢大学の英作文 類題をたくさん作ってみました。
金沢個別予備校グレートグリットで、金沢大学を受験する生徒のために作りました。現在の出題形式になった、2016年以降の傾向を徹底的に研究し、最近の過去問の設問形式や、テーマ、難易度に近い問題ばかりです。ご自由にお使いください。書いたら、GoogleのAI “Gemini”に添削してもらいましょう。文法やスペルの正確なチェックだけではなく、文構造や文調まで修正したり、多くの情報を返してもらえます。

▶︎ 問題を貼り付ける。
▶︎ 自分の作文を貼り付ける。
- 22-01【自由英作文】
Japan has been experiencing a declining birthrate for many years. According to government data, the number of births in 2022 was the lowest ever recorded. This trend is expected to continue, leading to a smaller working population in the future.
What is a possible problem that a declining birthrate might cause for a country? Write your answer, giving reasons to support each problem, in one paragraph of at least 80 words in English.
- 22-02【自由英作文】
In many developed countries, the percentage of elderly people is increasing. This trend is expected to continue in the coming decades, leading to various social and economic challenges.
What are two possible problems that a country with an aging population might face? Write your answer, giving reasons to support each problem, in one paragraph of at least 80 words in English.
- 22-03【自由英作文】
Many countries and private companies are working on space exploration projects, with goals such as sending humans to Mars and building space stations. While space exploration has many benefits, it also presents challenges.
What are two possible problems that a country investing in space exploration might face? Write your answer, giving reasons to support each problem, in one paragraph of at least 80 words in English.
- 23-01【自由英作文】
Read the following passage and answer the question.
Fast fashion allows consumers to buy trendy clothes at low prices, but it also contributes to environmental pollution and poor working conditions in factories. While some people enjoy the affordability and variety of fast fashion, others argue that ethical and sustainable fashion should be prioritized.
Question: Should consumers be responsible for reducing the negative impact of fast fashion? Answer in 90 words or more in English. Your response should discuss one way fast fashion affects society, one possible solution, and your opinion.
- 23-02【自由英作文】
Read the following passage and answer the question.
Many students choose to do volunteer work in their communities or abroad. Volunteer activities range from helping the elderly to participating in environmental conservation projects. While some believe volunteering is a valuable experience that teaches responsibility and empathy, others argue that unpaid work takes time away from academic studies and paid employment.
Question: Should students be encouraged to participate in volunteer work before entering university? Answer in 90 words or more in English. Your response should include one potential benefit, one possible challenge, and your opinion.
- 23-03【自由英作文】
Read the following passage and answer the question.
Many young adults enter the workforce without basic financial knowledge, such as how to manage personal savings, invest money, or pay taxes. Some educators argue that financial literacy should be a required subject in schools, while others believe that such knowledge should be learned through experience rather than formal education.
Question: Should financial literacy be a mandatory part of school education? Answer in 90 words or more in English. Your response should include one reason in favor, one counterargument, and your own view.
- 23-04【自由英作文】
Read the following passage and answer the question.
Some companies and governments are experimenting with a four-day workweek, arguing that it increases productivity, reduces stress, and improves work-life balance. However, critics worry that a shorter workweek could lead to lower wages, reduced company profits, and less time for collaboration.
Question: Do you think a four-day workweek should become the standard in the future? Answer in 90 words or more in English. Your response should include one potential benefit, one possible drawback, and your opinion.
- 24-01【自由英作文】
Read the following passage and answer the question.
Technology has transformed education, introducing tools such as online learning platforms, digital textbooks, and artificial intelligence. However, its impact is not always positive, as digital inequality and screen addiction have also become concerns.
Question: In what ways has technology changed education, both positively and negatively? Write your answer in a paragraph of 80 or more words in English. Your response should address one specific change, an example of its current impact, and any possible improvements you would like to see.
- 24-02【自由英作文】
Read the following passage and answer the question.
Mental health issues affect millions of people worldwide, yet stigma and lack of awareness prevent many from seeking help. Some countries have improved access to mental health care, but challenges remain.
Question: How can society better support people with mental health issues? Write your answer in a paragraph of 80 or more words in English. Your response should discuss one specific challenge, an example of its current situation, and a possible solution.
- 24-03【自由英作文】
Read the following passage and answer the question.
Climate change has led to rising temperatures, extreme weather events, and environmental destruction. While some governments and businesses are taking action, others are slow to respond.
Question: What is one major environmental issue caused by climate change, and what should be done to address it? Write your answer in a paragraph of 80 or more words in English. Your response should focus on one specific issue, provide an example of its impact, and suggest a possible solution.
- 24-04【自由英作文】
Read the following passage and answer the question.
Globalization has led to increased trade, cultural exchange, and economic growth. However, it has also contributed to job losses, environmental damage, and cultural homogenization.
Question: Do you think globalization is more beneficial or harmful to society? Write your answer in a paragraph of 80 or more words in English. Your response should discuss one specific effect of globalization, an example of its impact, and a possible way to maximize its benefits or reduce its harm.
- 24-05【自由英作文】
Read the following passage and answer the question.
Artificial intelligence is expected to replace many jobs, while also creating new opportunities in fields such as automation and data science. The challenge is to balance these changes while ensuring economic stability.
Question: What should be done to help workers adapt to changes in the job market due to AI? Write your answer in a paragraph of 80 or more words in English. Your response should focus on one specific challenge, provide an example of its current impact, and suggest a possible solution.